
Greg MacGillivray - filmography

12 October 2012

To the Arctic 3D
Directed by: Greg MacGillivray
Cast: Danuta Stenka

A story about love, family and survival
in the harshest place on Earth.

There is a place - incredibly clean and undefiled - to extreme conditions. The views are breathtaking, but few could experience... more

6 June 2003

Journey Into Amazing Caves
Directed by: Stephen Judson, Greg MacGillivray
Cast: Nancy Aulenbach, Hazel Barton

Film IMAX 2D

W każdym miejscu na Ziemi można znaleźć jaskinie. Grotołazów, zafascynowanych podziemnym światem i tajemnicami, które ten świat skrywa, łączy zamiłowanie do badania nieznanego. Film... more