
Joshua Oppenheimer - filmography

22 April 2016

The Look of Silence
Directed by: Joshua Oppenheimer
Cast: Adi Rukun, M.Y. Basrun, Amir Hasan
Category: documentary

How is it escape from the horrible genocide carried out in the 60s of last century by the brigades of death in Indonesia? Adi Rukun, optician, middle-aged, survived, but his older brother was tortured... more

28 February 2014

The Act of Killing
Directed by: Joshua Oppenheimer, Christine Cynn, Anonymous
Cast: Anwar Congo, Herman Koto, Syamsul Arifin

Zwycięzca Nagrody Publiczności na Berlinale i PLANETE+ DOC FILM FESTIVAL 2013, w którym reżyser Joshua Oppenheimer prezentuje efekty siedmiu lat spędzonych z „emerytowanymi” dowódcami brygad śmierci w... more