Cinema program "Kursk" in Poznań
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Runtime: 117 min.
Production: Belgia/Luksemburg , 2018
Category: action / drama
Release Date: 14 December 2018
Distribution: Kino Świat
Directed by: Thomas Vinterberg
Cast: Léa Seydoux, Colin Firth, Matthias Schoenaerts
The latest work by the eminent Danish director - Thomas Vinterberg, the creators of award-winning paintings "Festen" and "Hunting". The movie "Kursk" is a story inspired by real events of the Russian submarine with atomic propulsion, which sank on August 12, 2000, during the great maneuvers of the fleet in the Barents Sea. The screenplay of the film, written by Robert Rodat - the creator of the story for the Oscar-winning "Private Ryan", was based on Robert Moore's best-selling book "A Time to Die: The Untold Story of the Kursk Tragedy." In the cast of the movie produced by the studio Luc Besson they performed among others: Oscar winner - Colin Firth ("How to become a king"), nominated for the American Academy Award - Max von Sydow ("Exorcist"), Caesar winner - Matthias Schoenaerts ("The Red Swallow"), Bond's girlfriend - Léa Seydoux ("Specter") and in one of his last roles - an unforgettable Swedish actor - Michael Nyqvist (Millennium trilogy) .The world premiere of the film took place as part of the Toronto International Film Festival and produced excellent reviews from the prestigious Hollywood Reporter and The Magazine. guardian.
On August 10, 2000, the Kursk submarine, a steel colossus with a pair of jumbo jets and the length of two football fields, embarks on war exercises for the first decade. In the great maneuvers of the Northern Fleet, the unsinkable pride of the Russian navy takes part in the company of 30 ships and three other submarines. Two days later, a huge explosion, registered even by seismographs in Alaska, sends Kursk to the bottom of the Arctic Barents Sea. According to the information available, only 23 out of 118 seamen on board are experiencing a catastrophe. A desperate rescue operation begins that catches the attention of the whole world. Although the chances of survival and the oxygen resources of soldiers are decreasing by the hour, the Russians consistently refuse to accept help from the West. Over the next 9 days, a terrifying drama takes place. They take part in the fighting for the sailors Kursk, their family, and among them believing in the survival of husband Tanya Averin (Léa Seydoux), commanding staff of the most important powers of the world and captains of units, ready to help the Russians - including British commander David Russell (Colin Firth).
It is too dark, but I will try to grope. I do not think there is a chance, 10-20 percent. We hope that someone will read it. Below is a list of people from the crew of other compartments who have gathered in the ninth and will try to leave. Greetings to all. You do not have to despair. Kolesnikov. The last note by Dmitry Kolesnikov, one of the officers of the Kursk ship.

Movie trailer: Kursk
Your comments
warto obejrzeć. film o czymś. polecam gorąco
baby jesio narożajut...
Smutny, przytłaczający. Jednocześnie super opowiedziana historia, która wydarzyła się tak niedawno. Chciałoby się powiedzieć, że tylko ludzi żal... No i niestety ta prawda, która poraża: z jednej strony przepiękny kraj, wspaniali ludzie, pokrewne słowiańskie dusze, tylko jednostka ludzka nic tam nie znaczy. Ale film do obejrzenia obowiązkowo przez każdego pasjonata kina. Gorąco polecam.
Ciężki (przykry i smutny)
Film naprawdę bardzo dobry. Historia-dramat. Nie wyobrażam sobie przeżyć tego co przeżyły obie strony tej tragedii. Warto obejrzeć. Może też dostrzec stosunek władz Rosyjskich do CZŁOWIEKA.