Cinema program "La belle epoque" in Poznań
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"La belle epoque"
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Runtime: 115 min.
Production: Francja , 1993
Category: comedy / drama
Release Date: 31 January 2020
Distribution: Gutek Film
Directed by: Nicolas Bedos
Cast: Daniel Auteuil, Guillaume Canet, Doria Tillier
What would you do to feel your first love again? How much would you give to relive the most beautiful day of your life? Return to wonderful moments can have a high price. The hero "Let's get to know each other again" is ready to pay her - even if he has to get rid of all the savings, and then hide this fact from his wife. The perverse French comedy will appeal to all who love the romantic atmosphere of 'Midnight in Paris' and the captivating innocence of 'Amelia'.
Lost in the world of new technologies, sighing for landline phones, paper books and mustaches, comic book artist Victor (played by the star of French cinema, Daniel Auteuil), unexpectedly gets a proposition of unusual time travel. The man eagerly accepts her because his marriage is falling apart and his wife Marianne (played by Fanny Ardant) is nothing like the wonderful girl he once fell in love with. So he chooses the '70s to be able to enter the' Belle Epoque 'bar again, light a cigarette with impunity, and with a trembling heart (for the first time in so long!), Wait for red-haired, sexy, independent Marianne to appear in the door. The epoch recreated at his request seems to Victor much more real than modernity, in which everything - from interpersonal relationships through work to art - becomes virtual.
"An irresistible film," "Witty and joyful," wrote critics after the "Let's get to know each other again" shows in Cannes and Toronto. The amazing cast (apart from Ardant and Auteuil, Guillaume Canet also performed here) and the brilliant script, as well as the lightness with which director Nicolas Bedos touches on universal themes: love, transience, generational differences. The humorous hit of French cinema acts like a film aphrodisiac, reminding you that the best times and the most beautiful moments are the ones we are going through now.

Movie trailer: La belle epoque
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Potwierdzam wszystko co
napisał Yrs przede mną.
Cudowny film !!
Nie dla nastolatków bo się
SUPER! - nostalgiczny, dowcipny, fajny pomysł realizacji, dobra gra.Czy można? i po co?wrócić chociaż na jeden dzień do przeszłości, młodości- łezka i śmiech dla dojrzałego widza.
Wysmakowany. Delikatny.