Cinema program "Ztraceni v Mnichove" in Poznań
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Runtime: 105 min.
Production: Czechy , 2015
Category: comedy / drama
Release Date: 14 October 2016
Distribution: Gutek Film
Directed by: Petr Zelenka
Cast: Jana Plodkova, Alena Dolakova, Marcial Di Fonzo Bo
Petr Zelenka, one of the best-known contemporary Czech directors, returns after 6 year hiatus from the comedy "Lost." New film makers "Year of the Devil," "Guzikowców", "Wrong Side" and "The Brothers Karamazov" is full of absurd humor and ironic view of reality satire of Czech complex "participate in their own history."
Pavel is a journalist undergoing a midlife crisis. Looking subject to the article goes on unusual press conference, at which they are to be disclosed secrets of the infamous Munich conference. In 1938 there was a meeting Édouard Daladier, Neville Chamberlain, Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini, which decided the fate of Czechoslovakia - without the Czechs. The leaders, however, were not aware that witnessed their secret Understanding was owned by the French prime minister ... parrot. Although hard to believe, the parrot is still alive and well. For this not only perfectly remembered incriminating conversations owner, but also can be repeated. Pavel, on impulse - sensing that this could be a media sensation on a global scale - a parrot steals Daladier, would soon find themselves in the heart of a great political scandal.
In his crazy comedy Zelenka shows that history is written continuously from the beginning. All of this with intelligent irony, in the spirit of the incident in the film Hrabal's words: Czechs are laughing beasts. "Lost" to beg the Polish response that zmierzyłaby with our own history.

Movie trailer: Ztraceni v Mnichove
Your comments
Przestrzegam, pierwsze 30 min fajne, potem nudny, beznamiętny gniot, prawie zasnąłem i wyszedłem przed końcem, koszmar, poprzednie filmy Zelenki uwielbiałem, ten nie wart jest 1 zł 1/10 pkt
Chyba wystąpię o czeskie obywatelstwo. Zazdroszczę im dystansu do własnej historii i samych siebie.
Inteligentny, dowcipny